Who we are and what we do
Who are we?
The Commissie Accreditatie Nascholing (CAN) is an independent committee appointed by the Curaçao Association of General Practitioners (CHV).
This is due to the continuing education requirement for GP's working on Curaçao.
The CAN has received the status as Instellings-Accreditatiehouder (IA) from the Accreditatie Bureau Cluster 1 (ABC-1), which is part of the Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG).
Institutions with an IA status are empowered to accredit their own seminars. The IA holder may also include training activities of third parties in their curriculum and accredit them accordingly.
To guarantee the quality of the IA-holder, it is audited periodically by ABC-1.
What do we do?
CAN tasks consists of three main areas
- Assessing accreditation requests based on criteria provided by Accreditatie Bureau Cluster 1 (ABC-1).
- Registering attendance of registered physicians in the CAN and GAIA database
- Working together with the CHV Nascholingscommissie to organize high quality courses
Origins of the Commissie Accreditering Nascholing (CAN)
For the roots of CAN, we must go back to 1991, the year in which the Foundation for Educational Practice Netherlands Antilles (SHONA) was founded. Dick Braakman, a government employed doctor, committed himself to achieve this. At the end of 1995 he was loaned part-time to the island of Curaçao so that he could set up a local General Practitioner’s course. This gave him the opportunity to also dedicate more time to accredit courses for general practitioners.